Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Year of Monkey

Happy New Year, every one!

What? Am I 20 days late?  Not so, according to the Chinese calendar. This year the Chinese New Year won't start until February 9th!

I have an acquaintance from Lao. She said their New Year doesn't start until April! How about that?

This just shows how arbitrarily 'New Year' is set. Remember Y2K? When people thought with a turning of a calendar page, all the computers would crash?

When I was in High School, I used to wonder what the big deal was about the New Year, and I still think it's overplayed. It's just another date on a calendar.

Having said all this, here may be some interesting information on this Year of Monkey, 2016.

Warning: Don't believe everything the Horoscope says about it. I have a family member who was born on the year of Monkey. While some parts describes this person (like the part that says he doesn't 'share' his wealth with others) other parts may have some corresponding parts. I certainly won't call him a genius, though. (^_-)-☆

Chinese Horoscope for Monkey
Chinese horoscope for Monkey image The 2016 will be the year of Red Fire Monkey. Remember not to celebrate the Year of the Monkey until the 9 February 2016 when the 2016 Chinese New Year of the Red Fire Monkey is actually starting.

The Chinese horoscope for Monkey shows us that the Monkey is the traveler of all signs. They are able to do the seemingly impossible, and the only thing more impressive than their intelligence is their uniqueness. While they are able to accomplish most anything they want, they are not prone to sharing their riches with others.

Chinese Horoscope for Monkey - The Strengths of the Monkey
There is no one who can motivate people quite like the Chinese horoscope year of the Monkey can. They are willing to invent and improvise whatever is needed to get a task done - even if that task is getting someone on their side. Because of these characteristics, they often become personal trainers, teachers, and other professionals.

The Chinese horoscope year of the Monkey is a person who surpasses being intelligent and is often a genius. They are extremely clever and are always open to new ideas. In fact, they're often referred to as the great innovator, since they're able to come up with not only new ideas but ways to improve on the ideas of others. What's more, they come up with these ideas at the drop of a hat. They're very quick-witted and can think on their feet with no problem.

There's more, but I think it is enough to give you a taste of what any Horoscope may say about any year. (^_-)-☆


I'll show you something more interesting than Horoscope. 

One of my friends from Japan sent me a post card. It's a picture of her posing as a monkey. She 'made herself up' as a monkey, had a picture taken and made it into a New Year's Greeting card. Pretty clever.

She's been doing this type of thing, they call it, Kosu-Pule (from Costume Play) for the past 20 years. She dresses up (or make up) as the animal for that year! This year's make up alone took her one hour!

This one says, "If you are hungry, you can't fight." (From 'the Planet of Apes')

"No Border and I Love You" is borrowed from a Japanese commercial.

The female version of this monkey is a photo shop, she said.

No matter what your horoscope says, let's live this New Year with "No Border" and "with Love."  No monkey business please. (^_-)-☆ 

Happy New Year!

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