Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Team Is Not A Team Unless.....

I really like this quote from Stephen Covey. I liked his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I read it many years ago but his principles are applicable more now than ever. I recommend you read it, if you haven't.

Whether it's a family or work community, there won't be a real collaboration without trust.

Sure you might be a good coordinator. You can organize very involved events or corporate travel.
But that's not collaboration.

If you are stopped by a police officer because you were speeding, you will cooperate with the officer while he investigates. And that's not collaboration, either.

Collaboration is where people come together to build and create something.
True collaboration is not achieved unless every member of that family, community, society, etc., trust each other.

That trust won't be created out of policies or treatise. That trust can only be born out of mutual respect and inner confidence.

If we can all come together with this attitude of trust, the families will have less conflicts, the work place could be more productive, and nations will be more at peace with each other.

That will be a very good world team, indeed. (^_-)-☆

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