Saturday, February 27, 2016

Loneliness Kills

There is an interesting TED talk. It's based on the 75 year study. Yes, 75 years! This study has been conducted with over 700 men. But the same goes for women as well.

It's not the high cholesterol, or high blood pressure that necessarily kills. It's a lack of good relationship!

That is not to say you never fight or argue with your partner or friends.

It's not also the number of 'friends' you have in FaceBook or any other social media. It's a quality of that relationship. You could have 1000s of "friends" and still be 'lonely."

I remember the Beatles' song vaguely..... "Oh, look at all the lonely people...." or something like that.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Family, friends and communities that are based on Trust and support for each other seem to make a difference.

Enjoy the talk.

Loneliness Kills

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