Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Sacred Science

I realized that I have not reported the highlights from The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest series yet.

I wanted to check some of the resources mentioned in the interviews, that I was interested. I am still in the process of checking the resources.

Meanwhile, I thought you might be interested in watching another documentary from The Amazon rain forest.  You may not be able to view this for free for too long, so, I wanted to share this with you now.

This is an 1 hour 15 minutes of Amazon rain forest 'clinic' documentary.

Patients with Parkinson's, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Type II Diabetes, Crohn's Disease, Alcoholism/depression, spent 30 days in the rain forest to experience the Sacred Science.

A Type II diabetic man with blood sugar level over 400 (!) went down to 60s. He went home early before his 30 day stay was up. He continued the diet at home. He is no longer a diabetic.

A prostate cancer patient with high PSA count went from 7.5 to 5.5, then 5.3 after he returned home. 5.5 is thought to be a normal range for his age.

Not all was 'successful' in a usual sense. But it brings a very important points in our healing process.

Life and death both happen in life. If you stay away from death, due to fear of death, you'll stay away from life. Dr. Frank Kinslow says it well.

"Every created thing must change. It must be born, transverse its allotted life span, and dissolve back into the fullness from which it came."  Dr. Frank Kinslow

Back to the documentary....

God is life. Do you fear God? Do you fear life?

There was an interesting exercise the patients did. They were 'looking into each other's eyes' - reflecting on each other. This is something I've done in some workshops and in every Skype group practice session I host.

Not everybody can spend 30 days in the Amazon rain forest and learn the Sacred Science. But you can gain some valuable insights into the foundation of healthy body and mind relationship by watching this documentary.  →         The Sacred Science

You can start this journey also by learning an Awareness technique, which will help you to get to the true source of healing. You can learn more on my website and my bi-weekly practice sessions.
 (^_-)-☆  A Touch of Life

Monday, October 19, 2015

Fear Of Being Fooled

I just finished watching the 6th Episode of The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest.
There are three more episodes left. Since you will not be able to watch the episodes for free after these episodes are aired, I thought I'd list some highlights from the ones I've watched in the upcoming posts. Please watch for them.

Some of my clients were able to watch them as well. While most clients' response to the episodes were positive, there was one person who became angry after watching the first episode. This person wasn't angry about the contents themselves as much as about the title "Truth" and thought the Host was only presenting one-sided information.

She flatly refused to believe that 90% of the doctors would not go through the conventional cancer treatments themselves. She also adamantly refused to give up routine mammogram, not that anybody made her to give it up. She said all of that goes against her belief (trust in the conventional medicine). I figured out the reasons for 'closed' mindedness on this subject later. It is all fear based.

When one's belief system is challenged, it is easier to stay closed minded on that subject than to admit that there might be a possibility of all the previous information you have acquired being wrong. Mark Twain said it well.

"Truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it."  Author, Ayn Rand

And it is a painful process to bring the truth out in the open for all to see. I appreciate all those who have gone through pains to bring it to light.

If you haven't started to watch the series yet, I strongly suggest you do so. You might still be able to watch a few episodes now. Click here to register. A Global Quest

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Truth About Cancer

There's a free documentary series on Cancer.

I watched the previous series which was very informative. But by the time I learned about it they were at the end of the series so I had to hurry up and watch what I could.

I knew many of the topics they talked about but there were so many more successful treatment information on them that I didn’t know. So, I was glad that they are showing the series again.
They are interviews with scientists, researchers and doctors. Most importantly, the successful treatments told by the survivors.
I just found out that this Truth About Cancer series is not a re-run of the previous one but a brand new one. I signed up for this one myself.

The series will start on Oct. 13 at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. ( 6 p.m. Pacific)
Each episode will run for 24 hours so you can watch it any time during that period. The next episode will start the following day.  Hope you will get to see at least some of them.
You can register here.

Here’s the broadcast schedule. Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly
(October 13th  9:00PM Eastern US time)

Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils

(October 14th  9:00PM Eastern US time)

Episode 3: Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow

(October 15th)

Episode 4: Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light

(October 16th)

Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions

(October 17th)

Episode 6: The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic

(October 18th)

Episode 7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods

(October 19th)

Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy

(October 20th)

Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory

(October 21st)

You can watch the sneak peek of each episode here. 

A Sneak Peek 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Separation Anxiety ②

One of my close relatives by marriage, lived with Separation Anxiety all her life. She was afraid to live alone. But mostly, she was afraid to DIE ALONE.

When her husband died suddenly she became so bitter and angry at her husband. You see, they were supposed to 'go together.' Don't we all wish that?

She not only became bitter and angry at her late husband, she became so mean to all the people around her. It became quite hellish to be around her.

A couple of years before she passed away, I watched this movie. It was based on a novel. I don't remember how I found this movie. I don't even remember the title. But it was a timely movie which gave me an insight to what this woman was going through.

The Movie Synopsis

There was a family with three young girls. They lived a happy life until their father died. The mother tried to raise the young children by herself but it was too much of a burden.

One day, the mother committed suicide. She couldn't take the pressure any longer. This left the children to live with their grandfather. The mother's suicide became the talk of town. But what became more scandalous was a question why she killed the family cat along side her.

Throughout the following years, all the girls went through difficult situations in their lives. Years later, all three girls returned to the house they were raised by their grandfather, when he passed away.

While the two older sisters were out, the youngest one tried to kill herself by hanging herself from the chandelier upstairs. It was not strong enough to hang her. So, she goes downstairs to the kitchen with the rope still around her neck. She turns on the gas stove oven. Opens the oven door and sticks her head in the oven.

Just then, the eldest sister comes home and walks into the kitchen. Immediately, she pulls the youngest sister out of the oven.

The first thing the youngest sister said was, "I understand it now."

Still frantic, the eldest sister says, "What do you mean? What do you understand now?"

The youngest answers saying, "I understand now why Mother killed the cat."


(I can almost hear the eldest say, what relevance does it have with you trying to kill yourself?)

"I understand why Mother killed the cat. She was afraid to die alone."


Did you catch that? I know it's a fiction. But can you see the truth in this last statement?
As in my relative's case, this mother was afraid to die alone.
We know we all die alone, even in the same car or airplane accident or shooting incidents.

But some people are absolutely terrified of dying alone. Maybe, it's their religious belief system or background, but somehow this fear of separation from every thing and ultimately from Life itself, creates unbelievable fear.

So, as if to make this fear less fearful, people take others to 'go along' with them.

It's a total speculation here but I think that's at least one of the reasons these meaningless killings happen. The killer knew he was living in hell. He knew he would die alone. But afraid to do so. Hence, killing others to go with him. He won't be alone then.

This is why I said in Separation Anxiety ①  , that Gun control policy is not the answer to these types of incidents. I stick my neck out to say even wars in the world can not be stopped by politics.

So long as individuals, families, and nations have the fundamental Separation Anxiety from All That Is, Something Great, the Implicate Order, we could never stop the killings and wars.

Let's become aware of All That Is, and Be The Peace that is born out of it.

                           "Be the change you want to see in the World" Mohamed Gandhi

Separation Anxiety ①

The first time I heard the word Separation Anxiety was many years ago. I was puzzled at the context in which this was applied.

A tenant of a tiny apartment used this to describe the behavior of her puppy. Although the tenants were allowed to have a pet outside on the 1/4 acre of land, they were not allowed to have a pet, large or small, inside the apartment. And hers, although it was a puppy, was a big black Labrador.

She kept this adorable puppy inside the tiny, tiny apartment violating the tenant's contract. He was locked up all day in a tiny room while she was away. Sure enough, when she returned, she came home to quite a mess in her apartment. The damage went through the carpet to the padding, all the way to the wood flooring underneath. And the room smelled like ...... you know what.

Instead of admitting she had violated her contract, not to mention the cruelty to her pet, she blamed the puppy's behavior as Separation Anxiety. What an excuse, I thought!

As the meaningless mass shooting incidents escalate in recent years, I see some real explanation behind this word. It applies not only to the misbehaving puppies but also to the absolutely unacceptable behavior of human.

How so? You'd ask. I'm glad you asked.

The killer of the mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, this week, also shed light on this topic.
The killer left a hate letter stating, among other things, how nobody liked him and how isolated he felt. He felt alone. He had the ultimate Separation Anxiety, the total disconnect from everything. But why did he have to kill others? I'll discuss that on the next post.

David Bohm, who was considered Albert Einstein's intellectual son, talks about Implicate Order.
Implicate Order is form-less 'void.' Yet out of which is born everything that exists. It is before the most refined frequencies of thoughts and emotions. It seems to be void yet it is where all the potentials reside.

Dr. Kazuo Murakami, made a breakthrough discovery while he was a resident Chief Researcher in Oregon. He discovered that the enzyme Renin is the cause of high blood pressure. In the process of his discovery, he came face to face with Something Great. Something beyond science, bio chemistry, and other things which have 'form.'

These are not the only scientists who have found Something Great, the Implicate Order. The great theologians, the artists, musicians, etc., have had moments of awareness of Something Great. Actually, many of us have had this type of  'meeting' with Something Great in our life, especially in early childhood.

It is when we become aware of Something Great or the absolute Stillness of the Implicate Order, our Separation Anxiety, along with all the other fears, dissipate. That's where you feel connected with others, regardless of varying nationalities and ethnic background.

Gun control may temporarily ease the acceleration of shooting incidents. But no policy, no law, can make anybody become aware of the fundamental connection of humanity. I believe, until such connection is established among the individuals, the true gun control can not be achieved either.

To be continued......