Saturday, October 3, 2015

Separation Anxiety ①

The first time I heard the word Separation Anxiety was many years ago. I was puzzled at the context in which this was applied.

A tenant of a tiny apartment used this to describe the behavior of her puppy. Although the tenants were allowed to have a pet outside on the 1/4 acre of land, they were not allowed to have a pet, large or small, inside the apartment. And hers, although it was a puppy, was a big black Labrador.

She kept this adorable puppy inside the tiny, tiny apartment violating the tenant's contract. He was locked up all day in a tiny room while she was away. Sure enough, when she returned, she came home to quite a mess in her apartment. The damage went through the carpet to the padding, all the way to the wood flooring underneath. And the room smelled like ...... you know what.

Instead of admitting she had violated her contract, not to mention the cruelty to her pet, she blamed the puppy's behavior as Separation Anxiety. What an excuse, I thought!

As the meaningless mass shooting incidents escalate in recent years, I see some real explanation behind this word. It applies not only to the misbehaving puppies but also to the absolutely unacceptable behavior of human.

How so? You'd ask. I'm glad you asked.

The killer of the mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, this week, also shed light on this topic.
The killer left a hate letter stating, among other things, how nobody liked him and how isolated he felt. He felt alone. He had the ultimate Separation Anxiety, the total disconnect from everything. But why did he have to kill others? I'll discuss that on the next post.

David Bohm, who was considered Albert Einstein's intellectual son, talks about Implicate Order.
Implicate Order is form-less 'void.' Yet out of which is born everything that exists. It is before the most refined frequencies of thoughts and emotions. It seems to be void yet it is where all the potentials reside.

Dr. Kazuo Murakami, made a breakthrough discovery while he was a resident Chief Researcher in Oregon. He discovered that the enzyme Renin is the cause of high blood pressure. In the process of his discovery, he came face to face with Something Great. Something beyond science, bio chemistry, and other things which have 'form.'

These are not the only scientists who have found Something Great, the Implicate Order. The great theologians, the artists, musicians, etc., have had moments of awareness of Something Great. Actually, many of us have had this type of  'meeting' with Something Great in our life, especially in early childhood.

It is when we become aware of Something Great or the absolute Stillness of the Implicate Order, our Separation Anxiety, along with all the other fears, dissipate. That's where you feel connected with others, regardless of varying nationalities and ethnic background.

Gun control may temporarily ease the acceleration of shooting incidents. But no policy, no law, can make anybody become aware of the fundamental connection of humanity. I believe, until such connection is established among the individuals, the true gun control can not be achieved either.

To be continued......

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