Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Sacred Science

I realized that I have not reported the highlights from The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest series yet.

I wanted to check some of the resources mentioned in the interviews, that I was interested. I am still in the process of checking the resources.

Meanwhile, I thought you might be interested in watching another documentary from The Amazon rain forest.  You may not be able to view this for free for too long, so, I wanted to share this with you now.

This is an 1 hour 15 minutes of Amazon rain forest 'clinic' documentary.

Patients with Parkinson's, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Type II Diabetes, Crohn's Disease, Alcoholism/depression, spent 30 days in the rain forest to experience the Sacred Science.

A Type II diabetic man with blood sugar level over 400 (!) went down to 60s. He went home early before his 30 day stay was up. He continued the diet at home. He is no longer a diabetic.

A prostate cancer patient with high PSA count went from 7.5 to 5.5, then 5.3 after he returned home. 5.5 is thought to be a normal range for his age.

Not all was 'successful' in a usual sense. But it brings a very important points in our healing process.

Life and death both happen in life. If you stay away from death, due to fear of death, you'll stay away from life. Dr. Frank Kinslow says it well.

"Every created thing must change. It must be born, transverse its allotted life span, and dissolve back into the fullness from which it came."  Dr. Frank Kinslow

Back to the documentary....

God is life. Do you fear God? Do you fear life?

There was an interesting exercise the patients did. They were 'looking into each other's eyes' - reflecting on each other. This is something I've done in some workshops and in every Skype group practice session I host.

Not everybody can spend 30 days in the Amazon rain forest and learn the Sacred Science. But you can gain some valuable insights into the foundation of healthy body and mind relationship by watching this documentary.  →         The Sacred Science

You can start this journey also by learning an Awareness technique, which will help you to get to the true source of healing. You can learn more on my website and my bi-weekly practice sessions.
 (^_-)-☆  A Touch of Life

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