Monday, October 19, 2015

Fear Of Being Fooled

I just finished watching the 6th Episode of The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest.
There are three more episodes left. Since you will not be able to watch the episodes for free after these episodes are aired, I thought I'd list some highlights from the ones I've watched in the upcoming posts. Please watch for them.

Some of my clients were able to watch them as well. While most clients' response to the episodes were positive, there was one person who became angry after watching the first episode. This person wasn't angry about the contents themselves as much as about the title "Truth" and thought the Host was only presenting one-sided information.

She flatly refused to believe that 90% of the doctors would not go through the conventional cancer treatments themselves. She also adamantly refused to give up routine mammogram, not that anybody made her to give it up. She said all of that goes against her belief (trust in the conventional medicine). I figured out the reasons for 'closed' mindedness on this subject later. It is all fear based.

When one's belief system is challenged, it is easier to stay closed minded on that subject than to admit that there might be a possibility of all the previous information you have acquired being wrong. Mark Twain said it well.

"Truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it."  Author, Ayn Rand

And it is a painful process to bring the truth out in the open for all to see. I appreciate all those who have gone through pains to bring it to light.

If you haven't started to watch the series yet, I strongly suggest you do so. You might still be able to watch a few episodes now. Click here to register. A Global Quest

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