Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Water Cure ②

The information here is gathered from 6 books, a live seminar video, and talks of Dr. Batmanghelidji, M.D. It's a condensed Cliff Note, a very short Reader's Digest version of his research and clinical studies on Water.

Dr. Batman, so nicknamed, studied medicine in London under a renown physician and a Nobel Prize winner. After completing his studies, he went back to Iran. Built two medical facilities and practiced medicine.

As fate will have it, in 1979, he became a political prisoner of Islamic revolutionaries and incarcerated for three years.

While in prison, known throughout the prison as a physician, the sick were brought to him for treatments. With no medicine and medical facility, he discovered he could cure the patients just with water! Cure, he did. Over 3,000 patients with stomach ulcer patients alone. He stayed in prison several months beyond his release to complete the clinical studies he started in prison. After he obtained freedom, he continued both research and clinical studies for the next 25 years. What you see is just a short list of his findings.

46 Reasons Why We Need Water Daily
  1. Without water, nothing lives.
  2. Shortage of water suppresses and eventually kills some aspects of the body.
  3. Water is the main source of energy.
  4. Water generates electrical and magnetic energy inside each cell. It provides the power to live.
  5. Water is the bonding adhesive in the architectural design of the cell. 
  6. Water prevents DNA damage and makes its repair mechanisms more efficient.
  7. Water greatly increases the efficiency of the immune system in the bone marrow, where the immune system is formed, including its efficiency against cancer. 
  8. Water is the main solvent for all foods, vitamins, and minerals. It is used in the breakdown of food into smaller particles and their eventual metabolism and assimilation.
  9. Water energizes food, and food particles are then able to supply the body with this energy during digestion. Food without water has absolutely no energy value for the body. 
  10. Water increases the body's rate of absorption of essential substances in food. 
  11. Water is used to transport all substances inside the body.
  12. Water increases the efficiency of red blood cells in collecting oxygen in the lungs.                (34 more reasons not listed here.)


  1. The General Perceptive "Feelings"                                                                                             Feeling flushed, irritable, anxious, dejected, depressed, not sleeping well, feeling heavy-headed, having irresistible cravings, and having a fear of crowds and leaving the house. Very short attention span.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  2. Drought Management 

·         Asthma
·         Allergies
·         Hypertension
·         Constipation
·         Type II Diabetes
·         Autoimmune diseases including Type I Diabetes

     3.      More Drastic Emergency Indicators of Local Dehydration

·         Heartburn
·         Dyspeptic pain
·         Angina pain
·         Lower back pain
·         Rheumatoid joint pains
·         Migraine headaches
·         Colitis pain
·         Fibromyalgic pains
·         Bulimia
·         Morning sickness during pregnancy
·         False appendicitis pain


1.                  Obesity
2.                  Raised LDL
3.                  Raised triglycerides
4.                  Cholesterol plaque formation
5.                  Coronary thrombosis
6.                  Osteoporosis
7.                  Osteoarthritis
8.                  Heart failure
9.                  Repeated strokes
10.              Juvenile diabetes
11.              Alzheimer’s disease
12.              Multiple sclerosis
13.              Lou Gehrig’s disease
14.              Muscular dystrophy
15.              Parkinson’s disease
16.              Scleroderma
17.              Cancers
18.              AIDS

I had an episode of having an overwhelming fear of crowds. One Thanksgiving season, I went to Costco. The parking lot was filled with cars and people where going everywhere. I couldn't handled it. I turned around without going into the warehouse and came right back home.

There was no reason for my being paranoia about the crowds. Why, I came from a 'small' town of 2 1/2 million people! I'm used to crowds. But you see, I was fighting a tooth infection at that time. Unbeknownst to me, I was dehydrated more than usual.

I was reminded me of this episode this week when an 'overwhelmed' out-of-no-reason client shared her story. She was simply dehydrated. (^_-)-☆

To be continued.....

Monday, July 27, 2015

Water Cure ①

We don't always think about Water as a nutrient, when in fact, it is the most fundamental and essential nutrient of all. 

I will be sharing some information about Water that you might not have thought of before. 

Some Water Authorities say that God created humans so Water can walk around! 

A new born baby is 90-95% water. 
That's why their skin is oh, so, baby soft.

An Adult is 70 - 75% water. 
If you weigh 100 lbs., 75 lbs. of you is water! That's a lot of water! And most of us weigh more than 100 lbs. (@.@)

The elderly person could be only 40% water.

Simply stated,  Aging is Dehydration!  *´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`* *´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`**´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`* *´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`*

 Stress causes dehydration.

Acidic food and drinks also cause dehydration. 

Do you want to stay young?  Drink Water! 

To be continued.........   *´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`* *´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`**´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`* *´¯`*.¸¸.*´¯`*

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Feng Shui Way to Declutter 風水

During the Saturday morning Skype group session, one of the participants told us about a book.

Feng Shui Your Life  by Jayme Barrett
The ancient art of decorating and placement, feng shui is based on the idea that everything in your outer surroundings affects you. 

It was a very timely information because I was going to write about Feng Shui as a follow-up post to the previous post, Attachments, Clutters and Insecurity.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art to not only declutter your house, but to re-establish the energy flow by correct placements of things in your house, and in your life.

For those of you who insist that you don't have any attachments to the past, I assure you that this attachment is not just to the past. It could be for the future as well. Attachments to the future uncertainty, insecurity, and fear of unknown. You could also have attachments to your physical body, health conditions, financial states, relationship woes, or any number of things.

To me, decluttering is not just for the hoarders. And it is certainly not just about getting rid of your stuff. It begins by noticing where your attachments are. Your attachments could be the indication of your energy block. So long as the flow of energy is compromised, you will have some difficulties in realizing what you want to see in your life.

Do you feel unable to decide what to keep and what to toss? There are some good questions to ask yourself to determine if 'it' is a keeper.

1. Do I love it?
2. Do I use it?
3. Do I need it?
4. Does it evoke a positive feeling and make me smile?

Number 4 is my favorite question to ask. If  'it' evokes a positive feeling and make you smile, it will most likely help you establish the right energy flow.

Hope this helps you get started on decluttering your life. (^_-)-☆

Friday, July 24, 2015

Attachments, Clutters and Insecurity

In Being Mortal post, I mentioned about a sudden death of a 68 year old person.

What I didn't mention there was a notion that there may be a correlation between attachment to the past and clutters.

You see, when we opened the garage door of the deceased's house, I was surprised to see all the things that were tossed in there.  She had so much stuff in such disorganized way that there was no room to park her car in the garage.

It was the same way inside the house. There was hardly any space on the floor to walk through the house. There was 'stuff' everywhere. It was clear that this person was a hoarder.

Another hoarder is a cancer patient. She is in her late 60's. She lives alone in a 3 bed room 'stuff filled' house. One time, when she was away for a trial treatment out of town, her daughter got rid of some of the things in her garage.

Sometime after Mother returned from the trial, she asked her daughter where a certain item was. That item happened to be one of the things the daughter got rid of. Daughter threw it out because Mother had two more of the same thing, none of which Mother ever used for years.

A traumatic event happened in Mother's life some 40+ years ago. The event and the people associated with the event all moved on. Apparently, Mother didn't.

In my estimation, all hoarding is born out of insecurity.
People hang onto the past and stuff because they feel insecure about themselves and feel uncertain about the future. This maybe too simplified of an explanation but there's something to it that makes sense.

I can tell you about more hoarders I personally know, but I spare you. Suffice it to say that there are plenty of hoarders in our society. It doesn't seem to matter if you are rich or poor. The hoarders seem to know no economic boundaries.

There is a book entitled, "the life-changing magic of tidying up" ~ the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo. This book is currently #1 on New York Times Best Seller list.

To me, decluttering is almost symbolic of letting go of your attachment to the past and events that were associated with them. It is not only freeing to let go of the past but it is an absolute necessity if you want to move on to the future not laden with emotional garbage.

To our decluttering life!   ❤

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What I Learned From My Wild Cat

I learned a few things from a wild cat that comes to 'hunt' in our yard.

  1. He doesn't 'labor' to get things beyond what he needs.                                                               He doesn't hunt 24 hours/day. He spends more of the time just 'resting.'                                                  
  2. He doesn't worry where his next meal comes from.                                                                         Of course, he does what he must (hunt) but he trusts that the nature provides him what he needs.                                                                                                                                               
  3. He doesn't forget to play with other wild cats. He knows how to enjoy life.                                       
  4. He doesn't worry what others think. He follows his true sense of being. He's honest to his own feelings. He owns up to them. He is only responsible to his own being and his way of living.                  Hey, it's our yard, cat!  Does he care? No!                                                                                 
  5. He doesn't miss any chance to hunt. Since he is always 'watching the mouse hole' he never misses the chance to move to action out of Stillness.

These are the things I learned from our wild cat so far.
I thought it was quite a remarkable way to live. (=^・^=)

Let me know what you notice as you contemplate on the picture. (^_-)-☆

What Motivates You to Move On?

You may have heard this news about a small plane crash, flying from Montana to Washington State.

Due to the adverse weather conditions, this small plane crashed into the mountain side in northern Washington.

Only survivor was a 16 year old granddaughter. Before the crash she sent her boyfriend a text message. "If I die remember I love you."

This is the story of this girl's survival journey. More importantly it's about what kept her going when there seemed to be no way.

On the second day of her what seemed to be a hopeless survival journey, she found a revitalizing power of "purpose."

"I can't die now. I have to hug some body before I die." 

You might say it's the power of love. 

To love somebody and to be loved.... ❤ 

I am amazed, once again, at this propelling power of having a purpose to live. 

Click the link below to enjoy the video!

The Power of Purpose

Being Mortal

It is strange to start a 'Life' blog with "Being Mortal."

But is it really?

Stephen Covey talks about 'Beginning (whatever) with the End in Mind.'

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

So, why not open the conversation about life with death? I think it's a good start.

Being Mortal is, currently, on the New York Times best seller list, written by Atual Gawande. Dr. Gawande is a surgeon, a professor at Harvard Medical Schools. He has authored other remarkable books.  

He discusses 'medicine and what matters in the end' from the physician's and personal viewpoints. It's about 'aging' and how inadequate medicine is in dealing with this growing 'aging' problem. 

So you don't think it sounds too 'morbid' to talk about death, let me assure you that "Talking About Death Won't Kill You" (by Virginia Morris).  (^_-)-☆

Actually, thinking about the end of our lives has quite the contrary effect on your life. You might even find your life more meaningful and purposeful when you do so. 

At the end of last month, something very tragic happened. 

A 79 year old friend of ours, went to Cannon Beach with her 68 year old friend. Cannon Beach is about one and a half hour drive away from Portland, Oregon. 

68 year old lady fell at the beach and she was taken to the emergency hospital in Seaside, about 10 miles north. A long story short, she apparently had a heart attack and died at the hospital. 

Although our 79 year old friend was a friend with this 68 year old lady, she didn't know anything about this 68 year old's personal life. Was there a relative somewhere? Whom can she contact? What to do with the body? What to do with the house, etc., etc.

The above mentioned books will help you get ready for when you face this type of events in your life. 

When I shared this sad story with my 80 year old uncle, he was totally shocked and only able to reply by saying, "there is no order of death...." The chronological age is not an indicator of who dies next, indeed. You might have noticed that I stated everybody's age above for a reason. 

Some might say "if life is so uncertain, let's just eat, drink, and be merry today, for tomorrow we may die.'  I agree to some degree but that is a pretty cynical view on life, won't you agree?

One very wise friend of ours once told us, "You have to plan as if you are going to live to be 100 years old. But you'd have to live each day as if it is your last day on earth." 

This blog aims to do just that. To share the ways to live a fulfilling, purposeful life! 

Follow me on to the future posts. 

See you all there. 

Love and appreciation! ❤