Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What I Learned From My Wild Cat

I learned a few things from a wild cat that comes to 'hunt' in our yard.

  1. He doesn't 'labor' to get things beyond what he needs.                                                               He doesn't hunt 24 hours/day. He spends more of the time just 'resting.'                                                  
  2. He doesn't worry where his next meal comes from.                                                                         Of course, he does what he must (hunt) but he trusts that the nature provides him what he needs.                                                                                                                                               
  3. He doesn't forget to play with other wild cats. He knows how to enjoy life.                                       
  4. He doesn't worry what others think. He follows his true sense of being. He's honest to his own feelings. He owns up to them. He is only responsible to his own being and his way of living.                  Hey, it's our yard, cat!  Does he care? No!                                                                                 
  5. He doesn't miss any chance to hunt. Since he is always 'watching the mouse hole' he never misses the chance to move to action out of Stillness.

These are the things I learned from our wild cat so far.
I thought it was quite a remarkable way to live. (=^・^=)

Let me know what you notice as you contemplate on the picture. (^_-)-☆

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