Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Being Mortal

It is strange to start a 'Life' blog with "Being Mortal."

But is it really?

Stephen Covey talks about 'Beginning (whatever) with the End in Mind.'

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

So, why not open the conversation about life with death? I think it's a good start.

Being Mortal is, currently, on the New York Times best seller list, written by Atual Gawande. Dr. Gawande is a surgeon, a professor at Harvard Medical Schools. He has authored other remarkable books.  

He discusses 'medicine and what matters in the end' from the physician's and personal viewpoints. It's about 'aging' and how inadequate medicine is in dealing with this growing 'aging' problem. 

So you don't think it sounds too 'morbid' to talk about death, let me assure you that "Talking About Death Won't Kill You" (by Virginia Morris).  (^_-)-☆

Actually, thinking about the end of our lives has quite the contrary effect on your life. You might even find your life more meaningful and purposeful when you do so. 

At the end of last month, something very tragic happened. 

A 79 year old friend of ours, went to Cannon Beach with her 68 year old friend. Cannon Beach is about one and a half hour drive away from Portland, Oregon. 

68 year old lady fell at the beach and she was taken to the emergency hospital in Seaside, about 10 miles north. A long story short, she apparently had a heart attack and died at the hospital. 

Although our 79 year old friend was a friend with this 68 year old lady, she didn't know anything about this 68 year old's personal life. Was there a relative somewhere? Whom can she contact? What to do with the body? What to do with the house, etc., etc.

The above mentioned books will help you get ready for when you face this type of events in your life. 

When I shared this sad story with my 80 year old uncle, he was totally shocked and only able to reply by saying, "there is no order of death...." The chronological age is not an indicator of who dies next, indeed. You might have noticed that I stated everybody's age above for a reason. 

Some might say "if life is so uncertain, let's just eat, drink, and be merry today, for tomorrow we may die.'  I agree to some degree but that is a pretty cynical view on life, won't you agree?

One very wise friend of ours once told us, "You have to plan as if you are going to live to be 100 years old. But you'd have to live each day as if it is your last day on earth." 

This blog aims to do just that. To share the ways to live a fulfilling, purposeful life! 

Follow me on to the future posts. 

See you all there. 

Love and appreciation! ❤ 

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