Sunday, July 26, 2015

Feng Shui Way to Declutter 風水

During the Saturday morning Skype group session, one of the participants told us about a book.

Feng Shui Your Life  by Jayme Barrett
The ancient art of decorating and placement, feng shui is based on the idea that everything in your outer surroundings affects you. 

It was a very timely information because I was going to write about Feng Shui as a follow-up post to the previous post, Attachments, Clutters and Insecurity.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art to not only declutter your house, but to re-establish the energy flow by correct placements of things in your house, and in your life.

For those of you who insist that you don't have any attachments to the past, I assure you that this attachment is not just to the past. It could be for the future as well. Attachments to the future uncertainty, insecurity, and fear of unknown. You could also have attachments to your physical body, health conditions, financial states, relationship woes, or any number of things.

To me, decluttering is not just for the hoarders. And it is certainly not just about getting rid of your stuff. It begins by noticing where your attachments are. Your attachments could be the indication of your energy block. So long as the flow of energy is compromised, you will have some difficulties in realizing what you want to see in your life.

Do you feel unable to decide what to keep and what to toss? There are some good questions to ask yourself to determine if 'it' is a keeper.

1. Do I love it?
2. Do I use it?
3. Do I need it?
4. Does it evoke a positive feeling and make me smile?

Number 4 is my favorite question to ask. If  'it' evokes a positive feeling and make you smile, it will most likely help you establish the right energy flow.

Hope this helps you get started on decluttering your life. (^_-)-☆

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