Monday, September 21, 2015

Coriolis Effect

Have you ever heard of Coriolis Effect? I haven't, until last week.

I have an interesting client. He was in Military and instead of fighting a war, he was involved in some 'experimental' projects.

As a young 'soldier', he was assisting many surgeries involving removal of organs. Yes, without a medical license. It was on the job 'training.'

He was also involved with a top secret testing of nuclear explosion effects on numerous animals. Yeah, I can hear the animal rights people now.

Consequently, he has developed interest in medicine, science, chemistry, and numerous other subjects after he became a civilian again. He has studied many things on his own because of his thirst for knowledge.

This client told me about Coriolis Effect and what kind of 'effect' it has on any nuclear explosion.

Simply stated, Coriolis Effect is the effect on the movement of air and water on the surface of Earth.

Because the earth is constantly rotating from the West to the East, any moving object's course is deflected either to the right or to the left, depending on which hemisphere of the earth you are travelling. The moving objects will deflect to the right in the norther hemisphere, while in the southern hemisphere, they will deflect to the left.

You can watch a short PBS video explaining what Coriolis Effect has on weather. 

Now, why will this Coriolis Effect be an interest to you or to me?

If an atomic bomb was dropped in a Northern hemisphere, the nuclear effect will basically cover the entire northern hemisphere. If you are further away from the site where the bomb was dropped, the effect maybe less, nonetheless, it will reach where you are eventually.

This is one of the reasons why Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, which is still not under control, is of a big issue here. Not just Japan, not just the west coast of the US, but the entire northern hemisphere will be 'contaminated' eventually.

And there is a 'half-life' of plutonium issue, which I'll talk about in the next post.

Stay tuned......

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