Saturday, September 19, 2015

Multiple Universe ②

Continued from Multiple Universe ①

In Multiple Universe ①, I marveled at the ancients' understanding of the existence of multiple universe.

It is fascinating to ponder what's beyond our known universe. By the way, the Cosmologists estimate that we currently know about only 4% of the entire universe. I think that is an over estimate.

I suspect as the Cosmologists explore more, that they will come to a conclusion that they might not know 1%, or even a fraction of 1% about our universe.

As much as I am fascinated by our external universe, I am even more intrigued by our microcosms that are created by individual human beings.

You think the pagodas signified the multiple universe and there are countless universes? One thing I'm more certain is that there are far more human microcosms than you can imagine.

The existence of microcosms within our macrocosms, the universe, is so well portrayed by an old film, The Grand Hotel. You can watch the film and/or trailer here. The Grand Hotel   (1932)

The Grand Hotel

A group of very different individuals staying at a luxurious hotel in Berlin deal with each of their respective dramas.

A doctor, a disfigured veteran of World War I and a permanent resident of the Grand Hotel in Berlin, wryly observes, "People come and go. Nothing ever happens", after which a great deal transpires.

One man who squandered his fortune and supports himself as a card player and occasional jewel thief, befriends a meek accountant who, having discovered he is dying, has decided to spend his remaining days in the lap of luxury. An industrialist is at the hotel to close an important deal, and he hires stenographer, who has a totally different agenda,  to assist him. So on and so forth, the drama unfolds. And they are all happening under one gigantic roof where 'nothing ever happens.'

Not knowing what's happening in another person's life, we feel disconnect and think 'nothing is ever happening.' Just 'people coming and going.' They have nothing to do with your life. You have nothing to do with their life. When in fact, tons of unimaginable things are happening in each microcosm.

When people, families, and countries feel no connection with other entities, it is easier to feel resentful, even hate, fight, go against each country in war, etc.

I'm not saying you need to stick your nose in somebody else's business. We are forever individuals. There is no physical unity in humanity. However, we can connect with others at the level of our true essential existence. When we do connect, the universe becomes one. We don't ever have to feel alone, again.

                                               Which universe are you living in?

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