Friday, September 11, 2015

Things Are Not What They Appear To Be

The way we see our world is so different from person to person. We think our understanding of it is the way it actually is. When in fact, the world we see is all colored by the personal glasses, through which we see the world. Depending upon the color of your glasses you are wearing now, the world could look rosy or dark and gloomy.


One man got on a rather empty New York subway one day. At the next station, a man with small children came in. The children were unruly. They were running all around the subway car, calling out to each other quite loudly.

The first man was quite disturbed by the children's behavior but what bothered him the most was the fact that their father wasn't doing anything to stop them.

The man's patience was running thin. Finally, he spoke to the father with agitation in his voice.

"Why don't you do something with your kids! They are disturbing everybody here!"

The father who was taken by surprise, responded, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't even know they were running around. We just came from the hospital. Their mother just died at the hospital...."

The man who was so irritated by the children's behavior, now was filled with shame. He had no idea what happened to this family.


I am not promoting unruly children running around in a subway car here, you understand.

We think what we see is how things are, when in fact, the things are rarely the way they 'appear' to be.......

                                            What color glasses are you wearing today?

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