Friday, September 18, 2015

Multiple Universe ①

We had a chance to visit Osaka, Japan this summer, for the first time. We found one interesting spot in Osaka.

We've seen a "Picture Frame" building in Dubai in the Smithsonian Magazine several months prior. This Sky Building reminded us of the Picture Frame building. So, we definitely wanted to go see it.

The circular Sky Garden was precisely placed between the two tower buildings 500+ feet above ground. The Sky Garden was actually an observation deck. It afforded 360 degree view of the city.

After you reach the 35th floor in an elevator, you then get on a 360 degree see-through escalator to get to the floor just below the observation 'garden.' This escalator 'ride' was a bit scary, more so than the open air circular observation deck.

Visiting the sky garden was interesting, but what caught my attention was the pictures of tower buildings that were constructed throughout human history. It exhibited the Egyptian pyramids, the tower of Babel, pagodas, and many others. It was really interesting to see the humanity's fascination to reach 'heaven.'

I learned a few things about pagodas. Although the architectural designs changed as they traveled from India to Japan, the philosophy behind them didn't. The multi-tiered roofs denoted the ancients' understanding of multiple universe! How did they figure that. Interesting, I thought. The ancients may have had more insights about our universe than we give them credit for.

                                 How many universes are there?

To be continued......... 

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