Friday, September 11, 2015

Teach Them To Fish ①

When we see people who are less fortunate than we are, we tend to want to help them in anyway we can.

When I first went to the Philippines, I was shocked by the way most people lived there. Driving through the busy streets in our air conditioned tour bus, all we saw was dilapidated shacks and people roaming around almost aimlessly. It was as if we were driving through Post War Korea, not that I've ever seen the post war Korea.....

When we arrived at the youth center where a certain youth gathering was held, I was even more amazed. The only food served to the children at the meeting was a small plate of rice, and sometimes, a small portion of vegetables on the side.

I felt so bad that I didn't bring anything for the kids. I could have brought candies and toys,....

Since I didn't have anything to give them, I made an Origami Crane and left it on a table one day.

The next morning, when I went by the table where I left the Crane, there were TWO Cranes! How did it multiplied!? When I asked around, one 14 year old boy said he made it. How?!!!

I have to confess here. If I hadn't made thousands of such Cranes in my life time, I don't know if I could have remembered to make one at that time. Somehow, I pulled it off. Then, how on earth this boy, who had never made one before could pull it off?

He said he unfolded my crane, then followed the folds to make him another one! Do you know how impossible, at least, for me, to do that?!

So, I told him that he "deserved" to know how to make a Frog!
If you think remembering how to make a crane was difficult, making a frog was 10 times more so.
Somehow, after several tries, I pull that off also.

And this young man? No, problem. Without me showing him how to make it, he 'produced' another frog with no hesitation!

My, oh, my! Is he smart or what?

In the subsequent trips, I would make sure to bring him some 'difficult' puzzles, etc.

Have you tried to do the Rubik Cube? I could never make all sides, not even one side one color.

This fellow? Within a couple of minutes, he'd have it solved perfectly. It was a 'baby's play' for him!

Why, some years later, the people around him told me that he could take apart a car and put it all back together!

After returning to the States, my husband and I decided to 'support' this young man for his education. Why, he has this talent but no opportunity! He was living in this youth center with tons of other people because his family couldn't 'afford' to feed him!

To be continued......

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