Friday, August 28, 2015

Superman Returns

When I was growing up, the only super hero I knew was Superman.

He wasn't even flying in real time. He was flying alright but only in the still pages of the comic books. And those books weren't even mine. They were my brother's. (^_-)-☆

Maybe, because it was in the comic book pages, it was perhaps more believable. Don't you have some of the comic book images permanently etched in your mind? I do, in mine!

There was no special effects in those pages except the ones the comic artists drew. Later on, even when Superman turned up on TV, there was no super special effects like we see now. Oh, yes, this American Superman spoke Japanese! That was a special effect, indeed. (^_-)-☆ 

I do remember the beam of X-ray coming forth out of his eyes, though. I did wish I had an X-ray vision. Then, I could see my brothers in the next room, plotting the next move against me in the sibling combat!

I knew Superman would lose his power from time to time, when he was exposed to .... something..... Sorry, I can't remember what it was.

I never knew how he 'renewed' his strength. Frankly, I didn't even question how he did it. I just knew he did.

A few years ago, I found out how he renewed his strength.
Ask (the question) and you shall receive (the answer!)

I learned his secret, when Superman Returns movie came out. I didn't know where he's been or where he came back from but I was glad to find out his renewal secret!

Boy, I'm going on and on about Superman, as if Superman were a real super hero and I sincerely cared for his strength recovery method!

But there is a point here. Be patient with me as I unfold his secret. (*.*)

To renew his strength, Superman would fly straight up to the sky to get close to the sun.
There in the high Altitude (remember the prior post, Attitude Is Altitude ?), he would just 'float' in the atmosphere until he is fully 'recharged!'

While recharging, he is doing Nothing. He is simply floating effortlessly in the endless ocean of possibilities. It looked so relaxing, comfortable and safe that I wished I could join him up there! Later on, I learned that I could join him..... in a slightly different way. (^^)

When life's events, that drain our energy, happen, let's just go up to the sun, 'The Source' of Energy, and just bathe in its healing power.

Of course, we can't fly up to the sky as Superman did, but we can do exactly that in our mind!

Once we are up there in high altitude, there are no cares of this world that drain our energy. Then you realize your body is also very relaxed, and feeling at ease. After such full recharge, you are ready to tackle whatever it was that was bothering you down below.

Because, up in the high altitude, there's only the absolute stillness, out of which all things emerge.

Who knows, you might even develop an X-ray vision if you do this often enough. Then, you will see clearly, what is happening in your life now.  (^_-)-☆


  1. Thank you for your timely message!
    I'm fully recharged now and I’m seeing the world from a new perspective.

    ...Life is full of unexpected.
    Whatever happens to me, I'm enjoying my unexpected life with stillness :)

    1. Thank you for your comment, Anonymous!

      I'm glad it was timely.

      Isn't it always so much fun to see the world from the new perspectives?!

      We can expect the unexpected, like a cat watching the stillness mouse hole...(=^・^=) (^_-)-☆

    2. Miri-san, sorry I forgot to put my name to the above comment…

      We live in unexpected. What will we ‘find' today? (=^・^=)

      ...Have a nice flight!

    3. Arai-san

      No problem. This blog is set up for me to 'authorize' any comment before posting. So your 'no name' comment didn't show up automatically. I might change it later to 'no authorization', but for now you are safe. (^^)

      And thank you for the 'unexpected'! I'm sure we'll use it at the refreshment place. (^_-)-☆

      Thank you!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.
