Monday, November 2, 2015

A Global Quest - Episode ①

Finally, I'm here to give you some of the highlights from the The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest series. Compared to the last series, it was more intense to start with. Each episode was a lot longer than the previous series also.

Once you went passed the first episode, however, it was easier to watch, largely because there were lots of information that I was already familiar with. I can imagine for those who don't have an immediate need for the cancer cure information, it might have been way overwhelming. So, I'll keep the highlights short as well.

Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy and the Pharmaceutical Monopoly

I knew the harmful effect of conventional cancer treatments and the cost involved. What I didn't know was how big of a business monopoly it actually was.

I didn't know Chemo was the same chemicals as Mustard Gas, which was used to killed the soldiers.

I was shocked to learn that Hitler was 'financed' by the major four drug companies of that time in Germany. We have one such drug company still marketing its drugs in the USA today. The companies planned to build the huge drug manufacturing facilities with free Jewish slave labor. A year after the 'contract' between the drug companies and Hitler was signed, Hitler started to hunt down the Jews. These drugs were manufactured at the cost of the millions of Jewish blood! Horrifying thought!

Furthermore, these drug companies criminal and inhumane involvement was 'praised' at Nuremberg Trials after the WWII. That is insane!

Another shocking info. was about one NY oncologist. This doctor 'prescribed' chemotherapy for every patient who walked into his office. Even the ones with no cancer! Some died due to going through chemo. Chemo's kick backs are huge. Is all that money worth killing your patients for?

This doctor was rightfully found guilty and put in prison for 45 years. If I were the presiding judge, I would have sentenced him to a life of Chemo!

What happened to the Hippocratic oath, First Do No Harm? The conventional cancer treatments violate this oath, but this guy for sure committed an unthinkable crime.

Yet another shocking info. was how the children with cancer, when the parents refused to consent to Chemo, were taken away from the family and chemo was given against their will! Don't parents have the right to choose what is the best for their children?

You can watch a shocking interview video regarding the families whose children are taken away.
13 minutes.

And if Chemo wasn't that toxic, why are the treating nurses all so covered up? Is it to avoid the toxic exposure?

And don't be fooled if your cancer seems to shrink. The conventional treatment, even when it is effective, only kills the cancer daughter cells and not the cancer mother cells. Only the cancer mother stem cells become cancer cells. So, by killing the daughter cells alone will not 'cure' cancer. Just like trimming a bush or tree, it will come back with the vengeance. When they say that cancer came back, it actually never was gone.

As you can see, it was quite a shocking opener to the series. I promise, the following highlights will not be as lengthy or depressing as this one. And there's hope, lots of it, for the cure. (^_-)-☆

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