Thursday, November 5, 2015

Awareness Heals

This is an 'intermission' from A Global Quest highlights. This TED talk covers a very important point in one's healing journey. It deals with cancer, and its spontaneous healing through awareness.

This 18 minute TED talk shares a very simple but often ignored way of living life in full awareness. 

Anita fought cancer for 4 years. One day her conditions worsened suddenly and she was taken to the hospital. Although she was in coma and her family was told that she'd have only a few hours, she made a remarkable comeback.

While in coma, her life changed. She became acutely aware of everything. She came out of coma and within 5 days, 70% of her cancer disappeared. When she left the hospital, cancer was gone! 100% cancer free. Yes, her Awareness healed her!

The enlightenment gained this way is very common with people who experienced near death. My clients, my mother, and my own experience with my cousin’s wife’s death bear witness to that. 

I can totally echo with Anita's experience of knowing where others were and what they were feeling, etc., without getting dragged down with their emotional drama.

I haven’t died yet, but came close to it a couple of times and I experienced the similar knowing-ness. That type of ‘knowing-ness’ remains to this day. 

Here are some things that Anita wishes to share.

1) Love your Self. And teach others how to treat you.

2) Live life fearlessly. Fear doesn't protect you. Love keeps you safe.

3) Fill your life with humor, laughter, and joy.

4) Life is a gift, not a chore. Cancer saved her life. Challenges are gifts.

5) Be yourself. Embrace uniqueness.

Enjoy! (With Joy!) 

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