Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A Global Quest ②

Episode 2: Cancer and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils

What is cancer? It is an abnormal growth of cells.  No death occurs from the primary cancer. It becomes life threatening when it becomes systemic through break down of cellular communications.

The main causes of cancer are viruses, parasites, infections, obesity, and environmental factors. Only 5% is genetically influenced.

Epigetetics can activate or de-activate the genes depending on food, exercises, life style, and environmental factors. Epigenetics is the software that runs the hardware (genes).

BRCA genes are tumor suppressor genes. They can protect you from cancer.  →  BRACA Genes

One doctor's Seven Essential recommendations for prevention of cancer:

1) Let your food be medicine
2) Detox
3) Balance Energy
4) Heal Emotional Wounds - Let go of the past
5) Biological Dentistry - get rid of Mercury and other toxins from your mouth
6) Hebs, Vitamins, Supplements
7) True Prevention

Avoid all processed sugar. Sugar is the main cancer fuel. Cancer cell has more sugar receptors than other healthy cells.

Ty Bollinger's (The Truth About Cancer Host) free e-book on sugar here. Enjoy!

Sugar - The Main Fuel for Cancer

Essential Oils have anti-cancer properties. All medicinal grade (not just aromatic) E. O.s can prevent metastatic growth of cancer.They kill cancer cells. No wonder why my Essential Oil treatments have been working so well. Of course, I knew about this from the beginning. (^_-)-☆

Frankincense and Myrrh

Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. Effective for Ovarian, colon, breast and brain cancers, and may be more, including Alzheimer's. It detoxes. It crosses the blood brain barrier.

So, there was more than monetary value to the gifts the wise men gave to Baby Jesus.

You might want to consider giving Frankincense & Myrrh to your friends this Christmas season.

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