Wednesday, November 25, 2015


As we welcome the Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow, my heart is filled with gratitude for all the things we have, and even don't have.

My brother and his wife returned from Paris just a day before the terrorist attacks in Paris earlier this month. Both my brother, his wife and we are very grateful that they didn't stay in Paris any longer. You can imagine what they could have experienced in that chaos had they stayed there a couple more days!

I have a song I wrote that I used to sing that went like, "He gives and he takes away..... "

Often times, we don't realize how fortunate we really are until things, and people we love are taken away from us.

It is good to give thanks on Thanksgiving day, but it is better to give thanks daily. Look around and notice all the things you have, air that we breathe, food to eat, roof over our head, purposeful life, and people we love....

To a wonderful Thanks-Giving holiday and always.

Love and gratitude!

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