Monday, November 9, 2015

A Global Quest ⑥

Episode 6

Nocebo Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing and Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic

Several doctors discuss the importance of detoxing. No disease can exist inside a clean body.
The order of detox as follows.

1) Colon
2) Urinary track, kidneys
3) Liver
4) Lymph nodes
5) Parasite cleanse
6) Chemical / heavy metal detox

Along with the above extensive detox, gentle daily detox is also advised.
Those who are interested in details of the cleanse, please feel free to contact me. It's too much to list here.

There is a vaccine against cancer. Dendritic cells police the immune system. It takes 8-10 years for cancers to develop. So called, 'early detection' isn't really early. By the time it is detected, often, it is fully developed and it is too late.  Dendritic cell keeps the immune system strong to recognize this developement.

Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells (also known as accessory cells) of the mammalian immune system. Their main function is to process antigen material and present it on the cell surface to the T cells of the immune system. They act as messengers between the innate and the adaptive immune systems.

The most interesting topic of this Episode was regarding Nocebo Effect.
In April 5, 2012, New England Journal of Medicine sited increased cases of suicide and cardiovascular death shortly after the patients were given a cancer diagnosis.

You've heard of Placebo Effect. I've read some articles on Placebo Effect many years ago. The group of patients who were given a placebo pills (usually sugar pills) did far better than those who were given the 'miracle' drug for their conditions. I often wondered, if placebo pills worked so much better than the 'real' pills, why don't they give them all placebo pills.

I've also heard of Nocebo Effect. In 1979, in Nashville, Tennessee, one patient was given an Esophagus cancer diagnosis. It was considered non-curable. Even after the second opinion, the doctors agreed that it was not curable.

Even though they told the patient that there was nothing they could do for him, they started the conventional treatments. Within 2 weeks, the patient died. Nobody was surprised by the fact the patient died.

After an autopsy, the treating primary doctor was absolutely stunned. There was no cancer cell in this patient's esophagus. Furthermore, there was not one cancer cell found through out his body!

30 years later, his primary doctor was still wondering if taking away this patient's hope actually killed him. New England Journal seems to agree with that.

Thoughts and emotions have, what I call, signature frequencies. Once the body 'resonate' with those frequencies, it will produce corresponding biochemicals. Positive thoughts create healthy chemicals in the body, while the negative ones, the harmful. Something to consider.

Febrary/March 2009 Scientific America sites:

Placebo Effect: A Cure in the Mind

Belief is powerful medicine, even if the treatment itself is a sham. New research shows placebos can also benefit patients who do not have faith in them
A man whom his doctors referred to as “Mr. Wright” was dying from cancer of the lymph nodes. Orange-size tumors had invaded his neck, groin, chest and abdomen, and his doctors had exhausted all available treatments. Nevertheless, Mr. Wright was confident that a new anticancer drug called Krebiozen would cure him, according to a 1957 report by psychologist Bruno Klopfer of the University of California, Los Angeles, entitled “Psychological Variables in Human Cancer.”

Mr. Wright was bedridden and fighting for each breath when he received his first injection. But three days later he was cheerfully ambling around the unit, joking with the nurses. Mr. Wright’s tumors had shrunk by half, and after 10 more days of treatment he was discharged from the hospital. And yet the other patients in the hospital who had received Krebiozen showed no improvement.

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