Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Global Quest ⑦

Episode 7

Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight and combining Superfoods

HRT analysis, using only a couple drops of blood, with its 65,000 magnification power, lets you see the activities inside the cells. This enables you to see the actual cellular morphology in real time.You can see healthy cells morph into sick cells right in front of your eyes! Since every disease starts as cellular imbalance, this analysis can lead to early detection, prevention and treatment.

The Denver Post states, that the Budwig Diet can reduce the malignant cancer cells. This diet is born out of the findings of two time Nobel Prize laureate, Otto Warburg (10/8, 1883) that diseases, including cancer, thrive on acidic and low to no oxygen environment.

Budwig Diet mixes cottage cheese (low fat) with flax seed oil, into a creamy mixture. Flax seed oil attracts oxygen. This mixture becomes oxygen rich food. I don't know what the benefit of cottage cheese is, however. It seems that you could just use flax seed oil mixing with other foods, especially for those who have low tolerance level to any dairy products.

Vitamin B17 (Laetrile)Therapy → Laetrile (Vitamin B 17) Therapy

Hyperbaric medicine, also known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), is the medical use of oxygen at a level higher than atmospheric pressure. The equipment required consists of a pressure chamber, which may be of rigid or flexible construction, and a means of delivering 100% oxygen.
Many hospitals incorporate hyperbaric chamber treatments along with conventional cancer treatments.

UV(Ultra Violet) B Light Therapy to increase Vitamin D production in the body, which helps fight cancer. Sunscreen lotions/creams blocks UV B lights, while allows UV A lights to enter the body. UV A light is what causes cancer. Is it any wonder that the skin cancer has been on the steady increase ever since the invention of sunscreens?

Chlorophyll in green vegetables are like blood in our body. It kicks toxins out of our body. Living fuel greens are superfoods that are super high antioxidant that can kick start your detoxing process and provides complete nutrition. You might even try to go on a two week 'fast' on this. In Episode 9, one parent talks about how he fed this Living Fuel to his daughter who was going through Chemo. While some other children didn't quite make it, his daughter did. I am intending on trying this product in a near future myself. →  Living Fuel

Also on Suferfoods by KC Craichy, "Super Health: Seven Golden Keys to Lifelong Vitality"

The most interesting topic in this Episode for me was on MRET machine. Dr. Igor Smirnov, Ph.D. studied the Chernobyl nuclear blow out (1986) survivors. After decades of research, he and the team developed MRET (Molecular Resonance Effect Technology) which creates super hydration and optimizes cellular function.This will definitely be on my Christmas present list this year. Anybody interested in getting it for me? 
          ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆   

Watch this amazing interview with Dr. Smirnov.

You can read more about it and see the testimonials here. → Healing Water Technology

Now you know why my reports on the episode highlights get so stretched out. I get sidetracked with topics discussed in each episode. I have to check the subjects out before I 'report' on them.

Well, only two more to go.... please be patient with me, they will be coming forth shortly. (^_-)-☆

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