Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Global Quest ③

Episode 3:
Cancer Killing Virus, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing and Eating the Rainbow

I didn't know there was such thing as cancer killing virus, let alone Virotherapy.

There's a clinic in the Republic of Lavia (where? you might ask...) that treats the cancer patients with human virus. International Virotherapy Center has treated many types of cancers successfully. And there's no side-effect.

Types of cancers treated successfully: Renal, Breast, Prostate, Stomach, Lung cancers, and Melanoma.

RIGVIR is a virotherapy medication approved by the State Agency of Medicines of the Republic of Latvia.[1] It was developed in the 1960s and 1970s by the team of Aina Muceniece (1924-2010) and patented in 2002.[2]

Virions of enteroviruses in Rigvir

Rigvir is a drug that contains live, natural virus, which has cytolytic and immunomodulating effects. Cytolytic action – finding and destroying malignant cells, applies only to the cancer cells without affecting the normal tissue cells. Regarding immunomodulation, because of its structure Rigvir selectively affects cells in sensitive tumors. Rigvir activates cells of the immune system due to what causes specific immune response against itself. It is not genetically modified and not pathogenic virus, it is not able to replicate in human body. It is issued in oncology for the prevention of secondary immunodeficiency. In 2015 RIGVIR was registered in Georgia[3] and included in the Latvian national guidelines for skin cancer and melanoma treatment. Rigvir kills Cancer Stem Cells (the mother cells).

Harmful effects of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are discussed. GMOs were created to produce more crop. But they have lost the natural characteristics of the original food. And GMOs are everywhere! What to do?  Eat Real Food! 

Although this documentary was not shared on A Global Quest, here's a good juicing source documentary.  → Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (1 1/2 hours)

Juicing takes commitment. I know from experience. But luckily for us, there are many stores that carry cold pressed organic fruits and vegetable juices. It will be good to incorporate easily assimilate Juices to our diet.

Chronic inflammation leads to cancer. Curcumin (polyphenol from the rhizomes of turmeric) helps to kill cancer cells.

It is also advisable to eat the Rainbow color of real food. They are pack full of nutrients.

Let's eat real food and don't worry about getting cancer to start with. (^_-)-☆

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