Friday, November 20, 2015

A Global Quest ⑨

Well, guys, this is the last highlights on The Truth About Cancer - A Global Quest series. Aren't you glad? (^_-)-☆

Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors and Their Powerful Stories of Victory

Jordan S. Rubin, N.M.D., Ph.D

Jordan's story is most intriguing. He is the founder of Garden of Life, an organic whole food supplement company. We like the products, especially The Perfect Food, Alkalizer & Detoxifier. Actually, my husband is the one who takes it every morning. I should start taking it myself pretty soon. (^_-)-☆  .

In 2008, Jordan got cancer again. Right, the founder of Garden of Life himself got cancer, not just once but for the second time! Wasn't he taking all his products, one might ask?

It was interesting to learn that Jordan went to a Naturopathic University right outside of Portland, OR. That's right where we live. Something good does come out of Portland, OR after all! (^_-)-☆

He is the founder of several nutritional supplement companies and he has authored quite a few books on nutrition. You can listen to a recorded live interview with Jordan on his site. → The Maker's Diet

His motto: Get Real Nutrition


Back to his story. This time, he was away from his company and staff for 40 days and worked on healing himself. Of course, he did the nutrient therapy along with:

  • Rebounder (mini trumpling) for 30 minutes/day (rebounder's benefits are numerous)
  • Infrared sauna
  • I. V. 
  • Hydro therapy
  • Prayer, reading and quoting scriptures 3 times a day

What was different this time was that he was impressed and decided to 'forgive.' He went back to the earliest memories of anybody saying/doing something wrong to him. He forgave everyone, including himself. Unforgiveness creates bitterness, which creates (toxic) cellular memories. This really shows the connection that our emotions/thoughts and our health has in our life. And I think this is the short cut way to the total healing. 40 days later, he was totally cancer free! 

There were so many others who beat cancer on this episode. Not only beating cancer but they went on to live a healthy, full, purposeful life to this day. In every one of these conquerors' healing journey, Real Nutrition played a huge role as with the harmonious emotions

As these highlights reports come to an end, even if you don't have cancer, my recommendations to you and to myself are:

  • Choose the real nutritional approach that best suits you
  • Decide to forgive others and yourself
  • Choose a higher goal in life- beyond mere physically healthy existence
  • Live life with love, gratitude and laughter

That, my friend, will sum up how to start living a purposeful life! ❦ ❤ ❦ ❤ ❦ ❤ 

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