Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Stylish Homeless

I am not advocating getting rid of everything we own and live on the street, or in this case, live on a rooftop.

This 56 year old model, photographer and actor, did just that, with a little twist.

When you think of a homeless person, you conjure up the images of people in drabs, pushing a shopping cart full of bags, bottles, boxes, etc. Their sleeping place is never the same. Sometimes under the bridge or overpass. Sometimes, a covey hole between the buildings, or park benches.

You'd think these people got to the present situation due to a sudden job loss, broken family and relationships. The truth is, we really don't know how they got there.

There is a documentary that's getting a lot of attention. It's about an 'elite' homeless. You can read more about him on the link below.

Homme Less

Mark Reay lived on the rooftop of a building in New York for 6 years. Yes, in New York! It could get really cold in winter and really hot in summer. And, no, there was no A/C in his 'apartment.' Are you kidding?  There was no roof or walls, except for a make-shift tarp. However, "the view from his apartment was amazing," Mark states.

He'd get a gig here and there and sustained his lifestyle utilizing public restrooms and a gym at YMCA. This way, he wasn't tied to a mortgage or rent. He could travel to wherever, whenever he had enough money and urge to travel. With what he brought in from his occasional work assignments, he was able to eat relatively well, workout, and get to and from work. What else do you need, right?

One might dream of living such a 'care-free' life but few would actually do it. Mark did it. One hundred percent according to the dictates of his own life purpose.

Since the premier of the documentary in 2014, he was unable to live on that rooftop. His hide-out was uncovered. He's living with his elderly mother in New Jersey part of the time.

I hope and wish the best for him so that he can still live out the life of his own dream.

I am anxious to see what his future 'view' will be like, from wherever he might be looking....

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