Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Sweet Deal

About a month or so ago, an acquaintance of ours told us about a sugar cure for burns.

Sugar is getting such a bad press that I couldn't believe sugar could do anything but harm to our body.

Apparently, it's not harmful when used topically for burns and wounds.

When we obtained this information, one of my friends was suffering from sever burn. She steam burned her hand badly while cooking. The burn looked terrible enough but the pain was the worst.

She put different kinds of oils, including coconut oil. The oils helped with the burn itself but the pain persisted. So, when she heard about the 'sugar treatment,' she tried this 'sugar cure' right away. She said that her pain vanished immediately.

A few weeks ago, I started to use a homeopathic tincture on my skin. The small area developed an 'allergic' reaction to the tincture and became hot, red and inflamed. The area wasn't just red, it was dry and painful. It felt as if that area was 'burned' badly. Then, I remembered the 'sugar cure.' Worth the try, I thought.

Since I didn't have any sugar in the house, I used honey instead. I put coconut oil on top. What do you know, like my friend, the pain stopped immediately! By the second day, the redness went away as well.

What is it about sugar that's good for the burn, I wondered? So, I did some research.

Wouldn't you know this cure was used by the battlefield surgeons of ancient Egypt 4000 years ago!
What they used was honey and grease (oil)! Hey, I was unknowingly applying this ancient formula on myself!

Here's the reason why sugar and oil work on burns so well.

Burn treatment is surprisingly easy. When Sugardyne (sugar-power) is applied, all pain stops immediately. Therefore, no narcotic analgesics are required. No meticulous debridement of the burn surface is required. Sugardyne will insure that the burn literally self-debrides. The burn is covered with Sugardyne, once again using ¼ to ½ inch of Sugardyne and covering it all with a gauze dressing. Daily dressing changes are performed. Usually, no skin grafts are required. Skin islands will appear and then skin will follow to complete the healing process, generally leaving the patient with minimal scarring.

Unlike antibiotics, Sugardyne consists of two simple but very effective ingredients: sugar and cooking oil. While antibiotics chemically interfere with bacterial chemistry and function, sugar and oil depend upon physics for their antibacterial power. Sugar is hygroscopic and functions to dehydrate all bacteria. Bacteria require water to survive and multiply. The lack of water results in bacterial death. When bacteria die, they cannot reproduce. No infection can occur if all bacteria die.
Oil also functions in a physical way. Oil coats the outer bacterial membrane or cell wall, interfering with the normal capacity of the cell to transport foodstuffs and water into and eliminate the cell’s capacity to transport waste materials out of the cell. The oil therefore prevents water and foodstuffs from entering the cell; it also prevents egress of cellular waste products. As a result, the bacterial cell withers and dies. No infection occurs secondary to a dead crop of bacteria.

You can read more info. on the link. → Sugardyne

Interesting, don't you think?  No more narcotic analgesics for pain.No more skin grafts. Why, the skin literally heals itself under this sugar-oil environment. It's truly a sweet deal.

Caution: External use only.
Only because refined sugar works great topically doesn't mean it works well internally. Quite contrarily, sugar could be quite harmful. Remember, it kills the bacteria? It kills the friendly bacteria in the gut as well. Many diseases, cancers, especially, 'live on' sugar!  I'd stick with organic raw honey for internal use.

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