Thursday, August 20, 2015



Merriam Webster: the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people : the quality or state of being humble.

I am not a golfer. I don't know the terms. I don't know the game. I can hardly play a miniature golf. (>.<)

One client, who plays golf, did tell me, however, about a wonderful story of this young 27-year old Aussie pro golfer. His name is Jason Day.

He is a 1/2 Australian and a 1/2 Filipino. He started playing golf when he was 6. He lost his father at age 12. Although it wasn't easy to continue on with his golf education, he persisted.

He won the PGA (Professional Golfers' Association of America) championship last Sunday. He has an amazing story to tell you.

What amazed me and my client the most, however, wasn't that Jason played so well at this tour. It was his coach turned his caddie, Colin Swatton, who impressed us.

Swatton was Jason's coach and mentor in Australia. He became Jason's caddie in 2006. He is always on the side line, supporting Jason's every play. Jason says Swatton is like a father figure to him.

You can read more about their relationships here. → Colin Swatton 

Jason owes a lot to Colin, no doubt. But does Colin steals the spotlight for acknowledgment? Does he take credit for how he coached and mentored him all these years? Does he say, "Look at what I've accomplished in training Jason?!" No. He stands by Jason and carries his clubs, encouraging him all along the way.

That, to me, my friend, is humility. That is the true state of being humble. 

In my estimation, the true greatness only emerges out of true humbleness. 

I hope and wish that their genuine relationship will continue as Jason continues on his climb to fame in the pro golf world and his life.

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