Saturday, August 15, 2015


Have you watched the new KFC commercial?

Colonel Sanders is back! Of course, not the original Colonel. (^_-)-☆

I was struck by the lyrics of this commercial.

I need nothing ~ ~ ~ 
I've everything I need ~ ~ 
I walk along the dusty road with a bucket in my hand
I've walked another 100 yards and I'm not at least bit tired   ♪ ♪ ♬ ♬ ♪ ♪ ♬ 

This is the ultimate declaration of contentment! 

You can watch this commercial here.  → KFC Philosophy of Life

Of course, Colonel is singing about his contentment because he has a bucket full of Kentucky Fried Chicken. It's a clever advertisement that almost makes you go out and buy this KFC special now!

Instead of always wanting more of anything and everything in life, can you find  'a bucket' in your life that once you have it, you have no need of anything else?

Sure, you still have to continue to eat, earn a living, keep the relationships, take good care of yourself.

I'm talking about something that's beyond these recurring necessities.

I'm talking about most fundamental 'knowing-ness' that I am OK, no matter what, because I am content with whatever is going on in my life.      

               What's in your bucket? 

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