Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Bonsai Master 盆栽

70 years ago on August 6th, the atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima, Japan.

Over 180,000 people died and many more suffered for years to come from the effect of radiation.

Many houses, buildings, and infrastructures were destroyed. The bomb wiped out 90 percent of the city.

Mr. Yamaki, a bonsai master, and his family, survived the blast that went through his house. So did his prized bonsai trees.

Mr. Yamaki's 390-year-old white pine bonsai tree was gifted to the US for bicentennial celebration in 1976. The story behind this special bonsai tree was made known for the first time in 2001, when two of Mr. Yamaki's grandsons made a visit to the Arboretum in the States.

You can read more about the history of this special white pine bonsai in the link below.

Bonsai Master

From the article: (*** are thoughts to ponder.)

Bonsai are created from parts of other trees found in nature. They are planted in large containers and pruned frequently to maintain their silhouette*. Sometimes, multiple trees are grafted together to enhance the appearance of the tree.** Though bonsai masters maintain a degree of artistic freedom, their true inspiration comes from nature.

*Pruning is necessary in life to make our life beautiful.
**Why can't the nations from different 'trees' come together and become grafted into one beautiful human bonsai?

Because they are always growing***, bonsai trees require daily attention and care. It's this constant attention that bonsai like Mr. Yamaki's live beyond the natural life expectancy of the original trees. It's an art form but more importantly, it's a lifestyle for the bonsai master. 

***If we are not always growing, what are we becoming? 

Art that is worthwhile creating is worth dedicating one's life for it. It's the art of living in a very fundamental sense. I see beauty in somebody living such a dedicated life.

Let us find the art form that is most meaningful to each one of us. Once we find it, let us nurture it daily to give beyond the natural life expectancy of that art. Such dedication will give us a purpose and help withstand all the adversities (pruning) that may come our way.

                                                     See how big these bonsai trees are!

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