Thursday, August 6, 2015

Einstein's Intention

A big news! (At least, to me it is...)

Today is the 70th memorial of Atomic bombing in Hiroshima, Japan, as I stated on Bonsai Master.

I heard on OPB (Oregon Public Broadcast) radio a little bit more about this August 6th's bombing. 

I thought many people believed that the US dropped the atomic bomb in Japan on purpose. It turned out to be 'on purpose' only by default. 

Initially, the US intended on dropping the atomic bomb in Germany to stop Hitler and to stop the War! A sudden change in political climate (I am thinking of Pearl Harbor attack), probably changed this priority. 

This explains to me why Einstein was involved in developing the atomic bomb. I often wondered why such a brilliant scientist got involved in development of the weapon of such devastating, mass destruction. What did he have against the Japanese? 

If my memory serves me correctly, Einstein was a German born, German raised Jew. He escaped Germany when things started to get horrific for the Jews. Once in the States, given the chance to research a way to split an atom, he must have thought that could be the way to stop Hitler and save his people! 

I realize that this is strictly a 100% speculation on my part. But somehow, it helps to explain Einstein's involvement. 

Had the bomb were dropped in Germany instead of Japan, we would have been reciting quite a different historical events. My lack of political savvy severely limits me to imagine the 'alternate political reality.'

Suffice it to say that the Japanese occupation of Asian and South Asian countries would have continued. The US might even have become her territory. I wouldn't be living here now.......

I'm not condoning atomic bombing. It just makes me realize once again, our intention is not always carried out as we desired. And that could be a better alternative at times.  How does anybody know if what we intend for ourselves is really the best thing for us.

This is a short video of a 90 year old survivor recalling the event.  →         After 70 Years

                                                           Hiroshima Peace Memorial

The news continued on to say that the US soldiers kept the Japanese flags that each Japanese soldier carried with them. To commemorate this 70th year, 70 such remaining flags were returned to Japan.
We can not bring back the lives of those who perished in this event, but we can certainly make an effort to repair the relationship by extending our empathy.....

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