Monday, August 3, 2015

Once In A Blue Moon

When we have two full moons in one month, the second full moon is called, the Blue Moon. (The moon doesn't turn blue, unless there's something in the air that gives the hue.)

We don't have Blue Moon every month or even every year. In fact, the last Blue Moon was in August, 2012. The next one won't be until the year 2018.

Hence, "Once in a blue moon..."

We had the Blue Moon last Friday, July 31, 2015. And I had some 'once in a blue moon' experiences that day. (^^)

It's been an unusually hot summer in Portland. Although we had a short reprieve a week prior, the temperature kept climbing last week. By Wednesday, it hit a triple digit and continued for 3 days.

Many of the city folks 'resorted' to the coast to escape the heat. We joined them later that day. Sure enough, it was 30+ F degrees cooler!

At the beach, I saw a mermaid lounging on the sand! She was even wearing a pair of sunglasses! I get it. The mermaids are only supposed to come out at night. But aren't they just a creation of Disney and other folk lore? (^_-)-☆

You are right. She was just a life size sand sculpture, with her creator sitting beside her.

I asked the sculptor how long it took him to create her. 8 hours. Holy Molly! It took him all day to create her!

Sculptor: "I'm not a Homeless. I live by my Art. If you like it, please leave (any amount) in the bucket. Yes, you're welcome to take pictures."

There wasn't much money in the bucket. So, I put a few bucks, hoping that the others will do the same. Watching this sculptor reminded me of my earlier post, What I Learned From My Wild Cat.

Why, this artist is living by his art. He is not laboring to get anything beyond what he needs. (I wondered if he even had all what he needed, though.) He doesn't care what others think about how he makes his living..... 

On the side-walk, there was a street musician playing his guitar, singing his heart out.. ♪ ♬ ♪ ♫
I've seen the street musicians before. But this time, one on-looker suddenly broke out dancing. Even when she left the musician, she was still dancing.... (^^)

She didn't care if anybody else was dancing with her. She just enjoyed the music which caused her to dance without any prompting. She was enjoying the moment.... ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

Driving back to town late that night, the Blue Moon appeared on the back drop of a clear deep blue sky...  (Sorry, the pic is not so clear.)

What a Wonder-Full day it was! Filled with wonderment, contentment, and joy of living the moment. That, my friend, really is the Art of Living!  ❤ ❤ ❤

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