Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Pain In The Neck

One day, when I was working at a local health club, a client walked in. She looked totally frazzled.

No problem. Un-frazzling the clients is what I do. (^_-)-☆

However, this client was almost beside herself that day. It took a bit more effort to ease her into relaxation.

As I was working on her, I noticed a nickle size lump on her neck. I asked her what happened. She didn't know. But she started to tell me why she was so uptight.

She told me without any uncertain terms how her soon-to-be an Ex-husband was giving her troubles.

That morning, just before she came to the club, her separated husband called and yelled at her, as he always did, over the phone for a long while. Her husband doesn't want a divorce so he was prolonging the process for as long as he could. At that point, it had been over 3 years since she first filed for a divorce! (@.@)  No wonder she was so stressed out!

"So, you are saying your husband is a real 'pain in the neck'?" I asked. 

Her answer was resounding  "Yes!"

As I continued to work on her, I noticed something fantastic happened.

Her nickle size lump was GONE!  I kid you not, G-O-N-E, gone!!

There is only one explanation for this that I can think of. When she herself realized the cause of tension on her neck and its relation to the stress in her life, her body was able to release that 'congestion!' It was as if her body wanted her to recognize this deleterious connection.

Our mind and body are so closely related. They are always interacting with each other. What affects the body affects the mind. What affects the body, affects the mind.

We want to be so aware of what our mind-body is experiencing all the time.
Watch your thoughts, emotions and see how they are affecting your body.

The secret of releasing your physical tension may lie in what is going on in your mind.

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