Saturday, August 1, 2015

Water Cure ④

As stated in the first Water Cure post, healthy adult body consists of 70~75% water.

Our body needs so much water to function. Dr. Batman's research shows that our body recycles 40, 000 gallons of water every 24 hours to maintain normal physiological functions. Yes, 40,000 gallons! It does this every day of our life! Within this pattern of water metabolism and its recycling process, and depending on environmental conditions, the body becomes short of about six to ten glasses of water each day. If you don't replenish this daily shortage, and continue to neglect to do so for a long, long while, you can only imagine how difficult it will be to keep your body functioning at the optimum level. A prolonged period of dehydration will lead to illness.

The brain is 80~85% water. But it's mainly 'salt' water. The spinal fluid is also 'salty' water. Although our brain only weighs about 5% of body weight, it uses over 20% of energy our body creates from food and drinks. Our brain prefers a clean hydroelectric energy created from Water and Salt.

You may have heard of incidences where a runner finished a Marathon and dropped dead at the finish line. He may have been drinking plenty of sport drinks and water during his run. He may have guzzled down more at the finish line.

Your brain screams! It is as if the brain is saying, "I've been working so hard for you getting rid of your cellular debris while you were running. And you just give me plain water?! I can't do it. There's no way I can get rid of your metabolic waste just with water!!!"

Your blood is 90~95% water. It takes the nutrients, including oxygen to the cells and take away some of the metabolic waste from the cells. If it doesn't have enough water content, this significant task can not be easily performed.

Have you seen really sick people who doesn't drink water? They give their nurses, who have to draw blood, a very difficult time. They don't give blood easily. Even when they finally do, their blood is so 'dehydrated' that it becomes so thick and almost black in color. I've seen this way too many times....

During the process of food digestion, we use lots of water.
We need to hydrate to protect the stomach mucosa, from the eminent attack of stomach acid.
Before the food stuff travels down to small intestine, it has to be totally neutralized. Small intestine can only handle alkaline conditions.

Have you had a tummy ache shortly after you ate? Well, your food stuff wasn't properly neutralized prior to entering your small intestine where the nutrients from the food you just ate are extracted.

When the body lacks enough water for digestion and other activities, guess where it 'steals' water from. Sure, Brain and Blood have plenty of water, but they are sort of important organs, wouldn't you say? So, the body targets less important parts of the body  - your muscles. The healthy muscles are 70 ~ 75% water!

Well, I have a lot more I can say about this but hopefully you get my point.
Here's "How to" of water and salt.

How and When

If you can't do 2 cups at the beginning, start out with 1 cup. Then, adjust the amount of salt accordingly. People with kidney conditions should start out easy on salt. 

·        Drink water/salt upon arising. 
·        2 cups of water 30 minutes before each meal with 1/8 teaspoon of Sea Salt.
·        Drink water 2 ½ hours after each meal with Sea Salt.
·        Water/salt anytime you are thirsty – even during meals.
·        Water/salt before exercising.
·        Water/salt hourly if you are in pain or have a headache, until it’s gone.
·        If you are constipated or don’t eat sufficient fruits and vegetables.
·        Do not increase the water intake without increasing the salt intake.
·        2 qts of water to ½ teaspoon of sea salt. (Up to ½ of weight in ounces.)

Start your Water/Salt cure today and enjoy a healthy life! 

To your health!

Link to the late Dr. Batman's current website:        

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