Saturday, August 1, 2015

Water Cure ③

There are many reasons why we need to add mineral rich sea salt to our diet and our drinking water.
These are some of the reasons.

We use Redmond's Real Salt. It's 'mined' from Jurassic age sea bed. All 50+ trace minerals are intact. Nothing is taken out. Nothing is added, including heat or aluminum as in some table salt in the extracting process. FYI, aluminum is believed to have some effect in people developing Alzheimer.

SALT (Sea salt: Real Salt)
·         A strong natural antihistamine.
·         A strong anti-stress element.
·         Vital for extracting acidity from the cells, particularly the brain cells.
·         Vital for the kidneys to clear excess acidity into the urine.
·         Essential in emotional disorders. Lithium = salt substitute
·         Essential in preserving serotonin and melatonin in the brain.
·         Vital for the prevention and treatment of cancer.
·         Vital for maintaining muscle tone and strength. Watch out for sports drinks.
·         Stabilizes irregular heartbeats.
·         Vital for sleep regulation.
·         A vitally needed element for diabetics. Helps balance the sugar levels in the blood.
·         Vital for generating hydroelectric energy in the cells.
·         Vital to the communication and information processing of the nerve cells during the life time.
·         Vital for clearing the lungs of mucus and phlegm – for asthma, emphysema, and cystic fibrosis.
·         Salt on tongue can help stop persistent dry coughs.
·         Prevention of gout and gouty arthritis.
·         Prevents muscle cramps.
·         Excess saliva production indicates a salt shortage.
·         Osteoporosis may be the result of a salt and water shortage.
·         Vital to making the structure of bones firm.
·         Helps maintain self-confidence and a positive self-image, a serotonin and melatonin – controlled personality output.
·         May reduce a double chin.
·         Prevents varicose veins and spider veins.
·         Sea salt contains about eighty mineral elements the body needs.

We traveled to Egypt with a group 8 years ago. Even before we got to Egypt, some people started to have bad cramps in their body that they had to skip some sites and rest. 

One was taking lots of sport drinks, way high in potassium. Her inter-cellular and extracellular mineral contents were so off set by this high potassium. I told her to stop drinking that sport drink and just drink water with some salt. Her cramping stopped immediately. 

Inside the cells are high in potassium. The outside should be high in sodium. If the balance of potassium and sodium is not kept, your cells could lose the contents to the 'outside,' often times causing cramping. 

My mother was on no salt diet at the end of her life. Her legs cramped up with severe pain and couldn't stretch back down. Not only she was on a no salt diet, she was given potassium pills. 

Salt is also essential in keeping the pH balance in the body. Most of what we eat and drink is on the acidic side. Our body wants to be slightly on the alkaline side. Our blood is about 7.4,  7 being neutral.

You want to avoid dehydrating, acid forming foods and drinks as much as possible. 
Coffee is 4 pH. Soda is 2. This includes carbonated water and juices. 

Do you want to guess what sodium's pH is?  It's 14 on the scale of 1 to 14, 1 being 'the acid' and 14 being 'the alkaline.' Salt can help in neutralizing some of these acidity. 

Otto Warburg, winner of two Nobel Prizes, proved that the lack of oxygen and alkalinity provides a perfect environment for or all illnesses, including cancer. 
You want to avoid alcohol and caffeine as much as possible. They are acid forming and dehydrating, and may cause other many ill 'side effects' on the body. In order to neutralize their acidity alone, you might have to drink a gallon of water to a cup of coffee! 

To ease this situation alone, you can't afford not to drink water with some salt. 

"How to" will be shared on the next post. 

Does your salt look like this?    → 

To be continued.....

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