Monday, August 10, 2015

The Pursuit of Happy-ness

In 2006, Will Smith with his own son portrayed a homeless man with his son in a movie titled, The Pursuit of Happyness.  Happiness is intentionally misspelled. Those who watch the movie will know why.

This movie is based upon a real story of a man who lost everything and as if 'out of the ashes' he makes an amazing comeback to the society. Not only a comeback but he makes millions of dollars in the process. I'm not critiquing the movie here. I have a point to make.

According to the Declaration of Independence (1776), it is our human right 'to pursuit' happiness.

WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—

So, what is this Happiness?  What are we to pursuit in our life?

A parent is happy when her child is healthy, does well at school and eventually becomes a good law abiding citizen, contributing to the society.

A couple is happy when their life together is trouble free with no argument.

A business man is happy when his business is successful.

A sick person is happy when his illness is cured.

An artist is happy when his painting is displayed and sold in a prominent gallery.

An athlete is happy when she takes home a gold medal.

So on and so forth. You get my point.

Happiness has different meaning to different people at different times. It is strictly 'conditional.'
When such and such conditions are met, you are happy.

The flip side of that statement is that when those conditions are not met, you are not happy, at least, not as happy as you could be.

Happiness, at least, in this short exploration, seems to be 'dependent' on the outside conditions. It seems to be short lived as the conditions change.

Is there any way to make this to last? Not as long as we 'pursuit' something outside of ourselves.

If we can not find happiness, peace, and joy within ourselves, no amount of money, good health and relationships will bring us lasting happiness.

Let's go 'treasure hunt' within. You might be pleasantly surprised by your find.

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