Thursday, August 27, 2015

Attitude Is Altitude

I'm not a pilot but I love to fly. There's something about being high up in the sky, looking down on the miniaturized life below.

My mother took me on a short plane trip when I was five years old. I was the only child passenger on that plane. When we landed, the pilot invited me to look inside the cockpit and showed me the instruments. I didn't know what I was looking at, but they were fascinating, nonetheless.  (^_-)-☆

Years later, I learned that there was some analogous use of the flight terminology that mirrored real life.

Attitude determines Altitude

In flight terms, simply put, Attitude is the plane's pitch. Is it climbing or descending? Is it pitched up or down?

Altitude is the elevation above sea level. How high above the horizon the plane is.

If you want to reach high altitude, your plane must be pitched up, climbing, instead of descending.

Do you get the point?

It is impossible to reach new heights in life, if your 'attitude' of life is pointing downward.

Gratitude (see prior post) is one of the 'instruments' that can assist you to reach high altitude in life.  (^_-)-☆

If you want to see a life that's flown far up to the Space, watch this video. Life Without Limit

This should make you ask yourself not what I want in life but what I'm doing with what I have now!

Nick was born with no arms or legs. Remember Gratitude's post? I was using 'no feet' person as an example there, but Nick really doesn't have any!

Did his obvious severe handicap keep him from living a normal life?  No!
Not only he lived a 'normal' life, he overcame countless obstacles, as you can imagine there must have been, to live an extra-ordinary life!

He had gratitude in his heart.  He had dreams. He had confidence. He had unbelievable love in his heart. His Attitude was looking upward!

Now, he is a lecturer, an author and a father! Yes, he fathered a child with his beautiful Mexican-Japanese Australian lady! All this happened because of his Attitude!

I think we have a lot we can learn from this, don't you?

                         Watch your Attitude. Is it going up or is it going down? 

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